What Else Do We Have In Common?

Mary Engels of the world, unite! Or at least, send a comment back telling us your location and occupation... and anything else you'd like to share.

I'll go first: I'm a mom (two teenage girls), soon-to-be wife, soon-to-be stepmom (two more teenage girls), a writer, equestrienne, curator of the eclectic, runner, photographer and passionista. We all live in a yellow submarine in Bozeman, Montana.

Tell me about you, Mary Engel.

Written By:Mary Engels On February 3, 2006 4:31 AM

A friend told me of your site after doing a search of "Mary Engels". Perhaps true to form, I am in the arts, a creative professional with this shared name, and an added touch of journalism on the side.
Just wanted to send a quick hello and wish you all well.
Mary Engels

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